
Scrumptious & Simple Shavuot Desserts

Scrumptious and Simple Shavuot desserts. Here you'll find pareve sides and salads for a cool and easy Shavuos.

Enjoy these days of matan Torah, the "gift" of Torah with sweets, because we always want the Torah to be sweet on our lips. 

Desserts we love for Shavuot

One Fantastic Cheesecake Recipe, three delicious ways!

Fruit and Nut Finale

 & more desserts here...

Hunting for delicious dairy menus for Shavuos? We have that, too! Here's your Queen in the Kitchen Definitely Delicious Dairy Mexican Shavuot Menu~

Wondering what Shavuot is all about? Do you want to know why we eat cheesecake on this holiday? Here are many answers and insights you'll want to think about while trying out TheKosherChannel Shavous recipes. 

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