Edition one in my series of holiday themed kosher cookbooks, is for Rosh Hashanah. The recipes are perfect for the yom tov and also for Shabbat.
Every recipe features one of the simanim, special foods we eat as an "omen" for a good year. Explanations and health benefits about each of the "simanim are included, too.
Seasoned with Torah insights into food and cooking— I hope these books will be your go-to guides for the holidays and that you'll enjoy their fresh simplicity, cooking tips and inspiration all year long!
How to order this and the Chanukah editions of Cooking for the King...
Preparing for Rosh Hashanah is about more than cooking up a storm.That's why Cooking for The King is more than just another kosher cookbook. For example, Here's how to properly prepare for these awesome days.