Click here for your ~You are the Queen of the Kitchen Passover Recipes and Menu Plan~
Don’t you wonder why so many of us feel compelled (and often drive ourselves and our family crazy in the process) to make our homes sparkle and shine in places no chometz could possibly hide? While knowing what is halachically necessary to clean and focusing on that is of primary importance to keep us emotionally balanced, Rav Yitzchok Berkovits says this urge for extra cleaning actually has a positive source and he shares the secret with us:
On Pesach, when we wear our best new clothing, set the table with our finest china and serving ware, lean on chshions as we sip good wine from sparkling crystal, we are not only celebrating the miracle of our freedom, but that Hashem miraculously raised us from the status of lowly slaves to a People of nobility.
To fulfill the mitzvah of celebrating our freedom, we have to actually feel our aristocracy.
When we are inexplicably driven to make our home into a sparkling palace in time for Pesach, it is because our neshama somehow knows the Shechina will be joining us in the royal atmosphere that permeates our homes the Seder night. Nobles live in a palace, and as inhabitants of a palace we should act with Malchus.
How did our Jewish nobility conduct themselves? They led with patience, compassion, a sense of calm and warmth. And to accomplish anything, they developed wise advisors and a strategic plan. As Queen you must look to others for help and advice. And you must develop a plan, an achievable plan, with short term goals (#1 buy yourself a beautiful new Pesach and long term goals (like not collapsing into your chair seder night feeling like burnt toast chometz!). Think I'm expecting miracles? Absolutely! THIS is THE time of miracles..
Tell the gang exactly the kind of help you need and reward everyone, including yourself with the presence of an unruffled leader. Ask for their advice & take it. Play music, take breaks together, give compliments with a smile, say thanks with a smile, make requests with a smile, go to sleep with a smile, wake up with a smile.
Let the crown we wear Seder night be won with weeks of smiles, laughter and love (no complaining!) for the mitzvah you are working so hard to accomplish.
The Kosher Channel is here to help you strategize the cooking component of your Pesach planning . You'll find a variety of simple recipes, helpful substitutions, and of course, crowning points of chizuk.
May your experience the miracles that are abundant at this time of year and enjoy a memorable Pesach cooking for The King. Inspiration is just a click away:
~Doing Passover the Queen in The Kitchen way~
~Pesach 5772 begins at sundown on April 6 ~
A Chag Kasher v'Samayach to all!
Thank you for subscribing, I truly enjoy having you in my kitchen with me. ~Renee
Glossary of Hebrew words
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